
Ramon Cruz-Hinojosa
3 min readMay 5, 2021
  • Describe one thing you’re learning in class today.

One thing I learned in class was testing. We use them to test our code to make sure everything does what it’s supposed to do. Right now it feels like using console.log but with extra steps. I’m sure later on when I understand it more I’ll appreciate it much more.

  • What is the difference between == and === ?

Using “===” means you’re checking two values’ data types against each other. This means if I check to two values with “===” they both have to have the same data type. If I use “==” the check is less strict meaning I can have one value be a string of “4” and the other be the number 4 and this would be true.

  • What is the value of foo? var foo = 10 + ‘20’;

The value of foo is 1020. From what I’ve read the number 10 is changed into a string and the string 10 and 20 are put together.

  • Describe what a terminal application is.

From Wikipedia “A terminal application is a program that emulates a video terminal within some other display architecture.”. What that means exactly is beyond me but I do know that I use a terminal window to navigate files instead of using windows explorer. I also use the terminal window to clone, git add, commit and push.

  • What is the ternary operator?

The ternary operator is a Javascript operator that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark, then an expression to execute if the condition is thruthy followed by a colon and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy. In english this just means you pass a true or false into a function that does something based on the true or false that was passed in. A line from the MDN web docs sums it up perfectly, “frequently used as a shortcut for the if statement.”. The ternary operator is essentially just a slightly shorter if statement.

  • What are some ways to ensure that your website design or web application is accessible and user-friendly?

To really ensure that a website design or web application is accessible and user-friendly you just have to test it yourself. Test every possible case where you might ask if something is accessible or user-friendly. I’ve learned that just because something seems to work well on my end doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for everyone else.

  • What are your favorite features of HTML5, and how have you implemented them in your front-end development projects?

For me inputs and buttons used together are my favorite things from HTML5. Just recently I’ve used both inputs and buttons to make a function that could only be seen in the console visible to anyone who visits the site. Both inputs and buttons along with the innerhtml method were used to show on the webpage exactly what the result of some simple questions were.

  • How do you structure your CSS and JavaScript to make it easier for other developers to work with?

Right now I’m not doing much to make it easier because I’m still trying to understand it myself. The only way so far that I’m making that effort is by using prettier in vscode to clean up the mess that I make when working on my projects. I still struggle to leave meaningful comments that I can come back to and understand later.

  • What’s your process for addressing browser-specific rendering problems? Do you find that a certain browser is more challenging to work with than others?

So far on my coding adventures I haven’t run into browser specific problems because I’ve only used google chrome. I’m sure soon I’ll run into something that doesn’t work on chrome that might work on others. Maybe google chrome just works with everything and I just happened to get lucky by using it. Right now I don’t have to worry about this but I’ll overcome that issue when I get there.

